Windows Cloud Server
2016 ServerStandard 
Additional software

  • Microsoft SPLA license for the SQL server refers to 4Core.
  • If you rent SQL Server on a server with more than 4Core, Microsoft SPLA SQL license is additionally charged for each additional step of 2Core.
  • The price for Microsoft SPLA SQL server license for each additional 2Core is half the price for 4Core.
  • Within the Windows operating system, it is possible to use two RDP sessions in parallel, provided that these accounts can only be used for server administration purposes.
  • In case you need to access applications on the server via RDP in order to work productively, you need to lease a separate user RDS license for each Windows user defined at the operating system level that accesses the server via RDP during one calendar month.
  • The license must be named, ie the name and surname of the account user is required. Also, you are obliged to inform us about all future changes regarding the accounts that use RDS licenses - whether it is a change in the number of used licenses, or a possible change if the licenses are assigned to another user defined at the operating system level.
  • Please pay special attention to the SPLA terms of use, because they define the terms of use of Microsoft licenses/software.

(1050 RSD per RDS license, monthly)
Additional software and network configuration

* Updating will delay creating server.
FTP Server (FileZilla)
Web Server (IIS)
Remote Desktop
From all IP addresses
From specific IP address or range:
Additional parameters
Control Panel Login

Price for setup:
Monthly fee: *

* Prices are displayed withouth VAT. VAT will be charged for residents of Republic of Serbia.